• db-izbjeglica
    Gradonačelnik na skupu HUPa najavio gradnju stadiona u Kranjčevićevoj i njegov završetak u proljeće 2025Armagedon13

    Ili je glup...ili laže, trećeg nema.

    Mislim, 2024 je praktički tu... s kojeg je on planeta pao ako misli da u godinu dana možeš napraviti stadion za koji još službeno ne postoji projekt, nije izabran ni projektant, nema revidenta, nema dozvole, nema izvođača, nema nadzora, nema voditelja projekta i sve to podliježe javnoj nabavi.

    Također, na predmetnoj lokaciji se još uvijek nalazi postojeći stadion, na kojem se uredno igraju utakmice.... :monkey:
  • Jaro
    a bome i lova koju si osigurao je dovoljna za sestinu stadiona
  • Common Sense
    A gdje bi igrala Lokomotiva jednom kad se stadion u Kranjčevićevoj započne renovirati. U Maksimiru, Sigetu?
  • jedan u nizu
    Ili kod Rudesa ako uspiju srediti 'stadion' :lol:
  • Nevo7
    rekli su iz Lokomotive i Grada da bi se igralo na Kranjčevićevoj za vrijeme gradnje. Graditi će se tribina po tribina i ne bi smetalo za odigravanje susreta
  • mali M
    rekli su iz Lokomotive i Grada da bi se igralo na Kranjčevićevoj za vrijeme gradnje. Graditi će se tribina po tribina i ne bi smetalo za odigravanje susretaNevo7

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: recept za katastrofu... već vidim da ako se uopće krene graditi da će ostati na jednoj tribini i to će ostati spomenik palim osvajačima "Zagreb je naš" Jakuševačke planine...
  • Mali Zeus
    Jel reko kaj o mišljenju Ministarstva, jel stiglo.
  • mali M
    Čekamo mišljenje od Ministarstva za razmišljanje i mišljenja
  • 19hrvat86
    Ništa više od 35 000 mjesta za novi Maksimir
  • dumitrumitu
    Objavljeno da je odabran Sirrah projekt za izradu glavnog i izvedbenog za Kranjču. Mislim da su oni napravili projekt za Pampas.
  • Plavi-9
    sad će žalba pa će se opet izgubiti minimalno mjesec dana
  • Mali dioničar
    Bravo, izvrsne vijesti! :up:


    Stadium Pampas
    Situated in Osijek, the vibrant heart of eastern Croatia, this remarkable project serves as a symbol of the city’s renaissance and a groundbreaking achievement in sports architecture. Marking the first new stadium to grace the Croatian landscape in half a century, it is tailored to the needs of the esteemed local football club, NK Osijek. Our objective is to construct a state-of-the-art stadium and training complex in the western Pampas district, elevating the standards of both professional and recreational sports. UEFA 4 category is one of the highest standards for stadium infrastructure.
    The architectural design language chosen for this project embodies simplicity and elegance. Nestled within a verdant enclave near the picturesque Drava River, our vision was to create a structure that is simultaneously monumental and harmonious with its surroundings. From the initial concept sketches, we envisioned a pristine form with a minimalistic composition—a resplendent presence amidst the lush green landscape. Three fundamental architectural elements distinctly define the stadium when viewed from the exterior.
    First and foremost is the awe-inspiring expanse of the roof, an immaculate white structure measuring an impressive 185×150 meters. This achievement marks a monumental milestone for Croatia as the nation’s inaugural fully covered stadium. The roof extends beyond the confines of the stadium, offering shelter from the sun and rain, while also transforming into a welcoming public space. Soaring 23 meters above the ground, this roof will undoubtedly become the iconic centerpiece of the stadium.
    The second key element comprises a series of white, circular columns elegantly connecting the roof to the ground, providing both structural integrity and visual harmony. These pillars serve as a testament to the meticulous craftsmanship that intertwines form and function.
    Finally, a translucent façade adorned with custom lighting solutions forms the third captivating element. This remarkable feature grants the stadium a mesmerizing transformation at night, casting enchanting visuals during matches and capturing the imagination of spectators. By day, the translucent nature of the façade ensures ample sunlight permeates the facilities beneath the stands, creating an inviting and energetic atmosphere.
    Currently in the midst of construction, this project stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to architectural excellence, pushing boundaries and setting new standards in the world of sports infrastructure.
  • DrawTube
    Ozbiljno pitanje , imamo li mi ikakvu garanciju da će se na Kranjči gostima dat 5%? Već vidim kako će se gostima samo dati cijela tribina što bi s obzirom na 1800 mjesta bilo gore stanje neg sad, 15% kapaciteta
  • NitkoBitan
    Po onim nacrtima koje sam vidio ta tribina bi bila uz istok na kojem ce bit BBB. Dobit ce vjerojatno kavez a ostatak te tribine bu prazan zbog sigurnosnih razloga.
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